Ellie Turner was born on Monday, March 29th at 3:42 am. She weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 21 and 1/4 inches long. She had all the appropriate appendages and a head full of dark blonde hair.
Both mom and baby are doing well other that Kerstin being really tired (which happens when your baby wants to come at 3 in the morning!) and are recovering. We're at CMC Main but should be heading home by noon tomorrow. Kerstin will be able to get a little sleep without a different nurse coming in the room every 20 minutes!
If you'd like to help us transition by providing some meals we'd love to let you! Just email TJ (turnerjazz@gmail.com) to find out when a good time would be to bring something by. And if you'd like to come hold the baby that would be great too, but please call first or email us to see when would be a good time. Oh, and don't be offended when I ask you to use hand sanitizer; it's not personal.
Here are a few pics. I'll post way more than anybody really wants to see when we get home.
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I will be happy to provide a delicious meal and will coordinate when I get back next Monday, the 5th. I'm so happy for you guys and can't wait to meet her in person!
Looks like all that entering the world stuff got Ellie kind of tired. :-)