Thursday, January 28, 2010

This is it!

Well, here we go - we're off to Massachusetts tomorrow for the weekend. They are supposed to get a big snow tomorrow, so this should be fun. We've got a fairly full schedule for the weekend, including TJ meeting with all of the church leadership on Saturday and then preaching Sunday morning, with a church potluck (aka covered dish) after where we were told we will probably "get mobbed" by the congregation. The following weekend there is supposed to be a congregational meeting were the church will vote to extend a call to us or not. So hopefully we'll know something in the next couple of weeks.

Please be in prayer for us and the church this weekend! We'll post an update when we get back and of course pictures of our adventures.

On a side note, pregnancy is going well - a little less than 9 weeks left to go!

1 comment:

  1. eeek I am on pins and needles along with yall can't wait to see what God does. Love you and holding you up in prayer
